The Fusion Blog

select, a.date_added,, b.title, b.description, b.genre, b.page_seo_url, d.file_name, group_concat(convert(f.category_id,char(8))) as BlogCategoryID from blog a left join blog_details b on ( = b.blog_id and b.language = 1) left join blog_gallery c on ( = c.table_id) left join media_library d on c.media_library_id = left join blog_category_rel e on e.blog_id = left join blog_category_details f on (e.category_id = f.category_id and f.language = 1) where = 1 and b.page_seo_url = 'cutest-show-on-earth--childrens-festivals--kids-fest--kids-entertainment--kids-zone--fair-entertainment-ideas--booked-by-andrew-pogson' group by, b.title, b.description, b.genre,d.file_name,b.page_seo_url limit 1

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Cutest Show on Earth, Childrens Festivals, Kids Fest, Kids Entertainment, Kids zone, Fair Entertainment ideas. Booked by Andrew Pogson

The Cutest Show on Earth is a must if you are plannig an event.  This fits into the category of "tradition" that you want to bring back to your event year after year.  Created by Elisa Hays of Let's Pretend, now under the guidance of Andrew Pogson aka Freddy Fusion, this is fundamental choice for targeting that young demographic.  Promoting confidence in the small ones to stand and perform in front of a crowd at such a young age has proven to enrich learning.  Please visit and for further information contact Andrew Pogson aka Freddy Fusion at

