The Fusion Blog

select, a.date_added,, b.title, b.description, b.genre, b.page_seo_url, d.file_name, group_concat(convert(f.category_id,char(8))) as BlogCategoryID from blog a left join blog_details b on ( = b.blog_id and b.language = 1) left join blog_gallery c on ( = c.table_id) left join media_library d on c.media_library_id = left join blog_category_rel e on e.blog_id = left join blog_category_details f on (e.category_id = f.category_id and f.language = 1) where = 1 and b.page_seo_url = 'freddy-fusion-with-a-unique-way-to-quarantine' group by, b.title, b.description, b.genre,d.file_name,b.page_seo_url limit 1

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Freddy Fusion with a unique way to quarantine.

Freddy Fusion with a unique way to quarantine.

Though the tour has been postponed for the Freddy Fusion Science Magic show due to Covid-19, he's still working on new research and development on material.   Freddy Fusion, one of the leaders on sparking the imagination of youth with a unique twist on science  and the relationship with magic.   Freddy Fusion has toured for the past 20 years around the world globe trotting his odd sense of visual humour.    For more information call FUSION Talent Group and speak with Andrew Pogson
