The Fusion Blog

select, a.date_added,, b.title, b.description, b.genre, b.page_seo_url, d.file_name, group_concat(convert(f.category_id,char(8))) as BlogCategoryID from blog a left join blog_details b on ( = b.blog_id and b.language = 1) left join blog_gallery c on ( = c.table_id) left join media_library d on c.media_library_id = left join blog_category_rel e on e.blog_id = left join blog_category_details f on (e.category_id = f.category_id and f.language = 1) where = 1 and b.page_seo_url = 'six-appeal-wins-world-championship-in-moscow---named-a-cappella-sextet-of-the-year' group by, b.title, b.description, b.genre,d.file_name,b.page_seo_url limit 1

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Six Appeal Wins World Championship in Moscow & Named A Cappella Sextet of the Year

Six Appeal Wins World Championship in Moscow & Named A Cappella Sextet of the Year

Vocal band SIX APPEAL wins big in Moscow, becoming International Grand Champions at the Spring A Cappella Competition.  They were also just named Sextet of the Year at the 2018 A Cappella Music Awards.  As part of FUSION Talent Group and headlining on Disney Cruise Line, we couldn't be more thrilled and proud of the boys.  

For more information on booking Six Appeal, contact Andrew Pogson at   Perfect for special events, cruise line entertainment and corporate events throughout North America.

